About TS Corpus |
If you use TS Corpus in your published research, it would be very much appreciated if you could
provide readers with a reference to the following paper and the TS Corpus official website:
For specific corpora, please cite the following papers |
TS Corpus V2
Sak, H., Tunga, G., Saraçlar, M.. (2008)
Turkish Language Resources: Morphological Parser, Morphological Disambiguator and
Web Corpus. GoTAL 2008: p417-427.
Abstract Corpus
Ozturk S, Sankur B, Gungor T, Yilmaz MB, Koroglu B, Agin O, Isbilen M, Ulas C, Ahat M.
Turkish labeled text corpus.
InSignal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2014 22nd 2014 Apr 23 (pp. 1395-1398). IEEE.
TweetS Corpus
Sezer, T. 2016. Tweets Corpus:
Building a Corpus by Social Media.
Journal of Milli Eğitim Education and Social Sciences. Spring 2016, 210, ss: 621-633
Parallel Corpus
Jörg Tiedemann, 2012, Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012)
Publications about CQPweb |
If you use CQPweb in your published research, it would be very much appreciated if you could
provide readers with a reference to the following paper:
Click here for other references relating to Corpus Workbench software.
CQPweb was created by Andrew Hardie (Lancaster University).
Most of the architecture, the look-and-feel, and even some snippets of code
were shamelessly half-inched from BNCweb.
BNCweb's most recent version was written by Sebastian Hoffmann
(University of Trier) and Stefan Evert (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg).
It was originally created by Hans-Martin Lehmann,
Sebastian Hoffmann, and Peter Schneider.
The underlying technology of CQPweb is manifold.